What is Farm Life and Freedom all About?
The Farm Life and Freedom podcast is all about living a simpler, more self-sufficient lifestyle and the freedom we have to enjoy it.
Your host, Amy Bell, is the owner/operator of Two Oaks Farmstead. She brings a lifetime of experience in gardening, livestock raising, homestead management, food preservation, home butchering and so many more topics that fall under the self-sufficiency and homesteading umbrella.
Amy is also a homeschooling mom of 5. She has been homeschooling her children for about 2 decades and often spends her time helping other families who want to get started down this rewarding path.
Amy is also a disabled veteran and retired Army Military Police officer. She has a real understanding of what it took to establish the freedoms that we enjoy as well as what it takes to maintain them. She is dedicated to maintaining them.
Amy avidly follows the events within our governmental system very closely, with an eye on how their actions affect the freedom we have to enjoy the lifestyle that we love.
Join us at Farm Life and Freedom Podcast and take advantage of the wealth of information that flows!
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Check out Two Oaks Farm Talk for DIYs and all kinds of information on the more technical side of homesteading. Stop by A Life on the Farm for the more personal side of the homesteading lifestyle with topics like cooking, canning, homeschooling, relationships, and more. If you like to read, be sure to check out Amy Stewart Bell, Author.
One of our newest blogs is Farm Raised Family which is a hub for our various channels and its blog focuses on family budgeting and how we can control the ever-rising costs in our lives. While you’re at it, be sure to stop by and subscribe to our Youtube Channels for Two Oaks Farmstead and Farm Life and Freedom, that’s where all the info collides into live action!